
WATER FORUM IN MEXICO CITY: Opportunities for Sustainable Real Estate Development

September 3, 2019 / Social Responsibility

Cities that have grown at high rates tend to confront a scarcity of public services. Currently, 55% of the people in the world live in cities, and according to the United Nations, they will continue to grow, above all in developing countries. For Quiero Casa, as a participant in the market, it is important to…

WATER FORUM IN MEXICO CITY: Opportunities for Sustainable Real Estate Development

Cities that have grown at high rates tend to confront a scarcity of public services. Currently, 55% of the people in the world live in cities, and according to the United Nations, they will continue to grow, above all in developing countries.

For Quiero Casa, as a participant in the market, it is important to help find viable and economical solutions to this problem, seeking to acquire an unmatched competitive advantage. Quiero Casa ( has invested in R&D to work hand-in-hand with innovative companies that can provide technology that forms part of the solution.


One of them is Isla Urbana (, which promotes sustainable development by installing rainwater capture systems. 


“A capture system in Mexico City generally gives between five and eight months of water independence to a family,” mentioned Enrique Lomnitz, director of Isla Urbana, during the forum “Water in Mexico City: Opportunities for Sustainable Real Estate Development.”


On the other hand, Quiero Casa also works by exploring possibilities to implement graywater treatment systems in its developments. For this technology, it has as its ally the Research Center on Biodigestion, Urban Waste, Compost, and Green Energy (CIBRUC), an organization specializing in wastewater treatment. 


The advanced oxidation treatment system promoted by CIBRUC ( eliminates refractory contaminants that resist other treatment methods, principally biological, in addition to treating contaminants at a very low concentration, achieving a decrease in the toxicity of the runoff. 


The objective of reusing graywater, which comes mainly from shower water and the washing machine, is to considerably reduce the total amount of tap water that is used in a home.

During the forum, Dr. Alfonso Espitia Cabrera, researcher from the Autonomous Metropolitan University and member of the CIBRUC, assured: “for real estate development, it has a low cost of implementation, since it does not require buried tanks. The multilayer filters and contact reactors for ozone and photocatalysis are on the surface.”


To conclude the forum, David Hoffs, Corporate Director of Strategy for Quiero Casa, mentioned: “Today, we understand that access to water is one of the arguments of greatest weight for the authorities and civil society to plan the development of housing in the city, therefore we are prioritizing the development of solutions to guarantee its supply in the developments that we sell. Currently, we already have the technology identified and we are studying what projects we will begin to include it in.”


We all contribute to the construction and development of our city.

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